Install Ubuntu on Android Tablet

Tuesday 22 May 2012 0 comments
Okay let’s get started.  On in order to do this you will need a rooted tablet.  For the whole process we’ll be using adb, so if you already have it setup on your computer good for you.  If not, no need to worry I included it in the zip file.  Just make sure that you install the drivers. (So if you’re using an asus transformer, download the sync software which will install the drivers)

Step 1: download (don’t worry only about 600mbs)  

Step 2: extract the zip file

Step 3: Connect your tablet to your computer.  (Honeycomb uses MTP, so if you’re running windows you shouldn’t have a problem accessing the internal memory, if you’re running mac or linux…you may need to find an alternative way)

Step 4: Transfer the “” file and “busybox” from the ubuntu folder to the root of your internal memory. (If you know you already have busybox installed you can skip this step)

Step 5: Transfer the rest of the ubuntu folder to your internal memory.

Okay now time to get your hands dirty.

Step 6: Open up command prompt on your computer

Step 7: If you don’t have adb already installed, you want to “cd” to the directory you unzipped the ubuntu folder because it contains “adb.exe” EX.  “cd downloads” If you already have adb installed, skip this step.

Step 8: Now time to install busybox.  Once again, if you know you already have busybox installed skip this step. Type in “adb devices” if your device doesn’t come up, that means its not connected, and chances are you need to install the drivers.  Now type:
Adb shell
Cd /sdcard/
(if it says already exist, then that’s fine)

Step 9: Now time to get ubuntu actually running. Type:
Cd /sdcard/ubuntu

Congratulations you’re now in ubuntu.

Step 10: Now we need to update the packages, but they’re out of date, so we need to use this clever work around. (Thanks to Zedomax for this one) Type:
deb karmic main universe

Then hit control D twice to bring you back to local host.
Finally type in:
apt-get update
It will update.  Lastly is to get into the vncserver itself.

Step 11: Type
apt-get install tightvncserver
export USER=root
vncserver –geometry 1280x800

It will then prompt you to make a password. You can create it, and voila!  You’re done.
On your tablet go into android vnc (you can download it from the market) nickname can be anything you want.  Password is the password you created.  Address is localhost. And port is 5901.  Then click connect and it’s there.  Boom!!!!


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